Empowering women & men worldwide through true
© Iris Pohl
AWARE REPORT - Overview and Analysis of the situation of intimate partner violetnce between young people in Slovenia and Spain
Edition #2 Love, Relationships & Dating
Everything in life is about relationships..

Empowering youth to say NO to sexual abuse and YES to bodily integrity!
#ISayNO to Revenge Porn
Revenge porn is cybersexual violence, you have
the power to say NO!
#ISayYES to my bodily integrity
The taboo of virginity in a sexualized world. You have the power to set your own standards!
#ISayNO to sexual abuse
Sexual coercion is violence! You can speak up when your friends are abusing others!
We have the answers you are looking for!
How often do people bombard you with judging questions about your life, how you dress, how you move, who you are with or not... this video got you covered with a few witty responses to the most annoying questions!
BODY Awareness

INDERA is a non-profit organization working internationally for gender equality and women’s human rights worldwide. Founded in 2007, INDERA has been raising awareness and delivering projects that inspire a much needed paradigm shift.
INDERA envisions a world where everybody is provided with the resources and opportunities to live and express the qualities of love, tenderness, nurturing, sensitivity, awareness and strength that are natural to us all, regardless of gender.
INDERA aims to empower people of all ages, professions and backgrounds to embrace their power within. We understand that simple daily choices can have a big impact, both personally and globally, to shift patterns of abuse, ill-health and inequality. This makes way for empowerment, harmony and true wellbeing to become our everyday experience.
© Studio Livingness

We Educate
We educate on the power of role modelling, in the understanding that meaningful change can only occur if we live by example.

We Advocate
At INDERA, it is our experience that true change is possible, but that it can only be achieved when the outer world and the inner world are given equal focus.

We Develop
We develop educational materials, resources and conduct research to strengthen the capabilities of people and institutions.
Living a life of well-being is the ultimate empowerment. There is no greater treasure than feeling at ease and settled in our own bodies, no matter what life throws at us. And no matter how far we have departed from this inner settlement, returning to ourselves and what we are feeling in the body is always our greatest strength.

Partnerships & Networking

Volunteering & Technical Expertise

Memberships & Donations
Through partnerships and networking we bring together different skills, resources and stakeholders with the aim to not only solve problems, but to uncover the root causes of the issues we observe in society today.
You are an expert in the areas we are working in or a University student and interested in building your skills and capacities? Contact us and in a personal meeting we can define how to work together.
With your membership you support us to expand and implement our projects and activities.​ According to your Budget you can choose the monthly or annual amount you would like to contribute.